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Hokie Nation 2007


Released on August 28, 2007, this was Horse Archer's completed first feature documentary, proving to be the best selling independent film in the state that fall.  Producers Sean Kotz and Chris Valluzzo, both Virginia Tech grads, saw great potential in telling the VT football story from the fan's point of view.  The project gained instant traction and the producers found themselves on a journey following the team and its fans through the 2006 season and meeting many Hokie legends along the way including Frank Beamer, Bud Foster, Bruce Smith, Antonio Freeman, Carroll Dale and countless more.  But the big story was really the explosion of the VT fan culture with its traditions, personal stories and tasty tailgates. From "Enter Sandman" to a canon called "Skipper," Hokie Nation covered it all.

The film was screened in theaters across the commonwealth and aired on WDBJ in Roanoke and WVEC in Hampton before going to DVD.   We no longer sell the documentary but a few copies are available at and it can be rented from Netflix.

Above:  Students celebrate a Hokie touchdown at Lane Stadium.  


Right:  Frank Beamer leads the team from the tunnel amid the insanity known as "Enter Sandman."  


Below:  Hokie Hall of Famers Bruce Smith and Robert Brown.


Below right:  The Hokie Nation crew (Jack Bennett and Chad Kotz) interview "Hokie Man," a fixture of VT football and ESPN camera favorite.  

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